Friday, June 29, 2012


I received a packet from my Board of Education supervisor today~

There's a lot of information in it. Welcome letters, my contract, a letter from my predecessor. I'm really starting to get excited now! In 3 weeks I'll be leaving for Tennessee, then on August 5th I leave for the other side of the world. Again. xD Mama's looking at getting a storage unit for all the cra stuff in my bedroom. I realized... I have a lot of stuff. Where does it come from?!

One thing I'm vaguely disappointed about--I'm going to miss The Hobbit when it comes out in December. (-.-) I'll catch it when it comes out in Japan--I'll see it in Sapporo!

I'm spending my next three weeks spending time with friends. I went to the movies with Senpai today, tomorrow is a date-night with Ty, and next week is the exchange of birthday pressies with Senpai, even though it's about a month and a half early. I went to School this week to get a transcript to send to JET and hang out with the Boy. I really should stop going to visit him--it never does me good in the long-term. Still, it was a decently pleasant note to end on. I miss Nacchan--should've seen her while I was in town. I'm a terrible person. Sometime before I leave--so next week?--Dad and I are supposed to go horseback riding again. I want a pony!

Things left to do:
Contact lenses
Visa paperwork (Monday, hopefully)
Finish my cross-stitch pattern

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