First was Halloween! We had a party at my Conversation Classes and watched The Nightmare Before Christmas.
My Halloween "costume!" I had a few accessories and was an "evil fairy." Or "lazy," take your pick.
My kids playing outside in the snow. Look at all the snow!!
Just about the most adorable girls you'll ever see. The girl on the right adores me and I adore her in return. ^-^
In December I went to Tokyo to see a Cirque du Soleil-type performance! This is the Shibuya Scramble Crosswalk!
I went to the SkyTree, too! It's the newest skyscraper in Japan and the second-tallest building in the world. I had to cut my visit short tho, since I had a dinner date with a friend.

The SkyTree all lit up for Christmas!
Isn't this about the saddest shirt you've ever seen?
I made a snow angel. Halo courtesy of Day-chan.
I took up cooking! Sort of. xD I need to get lids for my pans.

Christmas came! I got a bunch of goodies from my best friend and bought a Christmas Cake. That's what you do here, you eat Christmas Cake. And fried chicken, but Christmas Cake!
There's actually a saying in Japan, that women are like Christmas Cakes.
Nobody wants them after 25.
New Years! I stayed over at Yko-san's house and on the first we went to Taiki's shrine. Both of us got Small Luck on our fortunes. Apparently this year love is going to come veeeeery slowly. Thanks, Love. 9-9
Awesome blossoming tea from Sara! <3
Yko-san's dog Hayabusa. He loves the snow but hates to get bundled up for it.
I bought a kotatsu! A heated table. There's a heater on the underside and the blanket keeps the heat in. I put it together all by myself and it hasn't caught fire yet! I call that a win.
It's the Year of the Snake! I was born in the Year of the Snake, so this year I'm a 年女、toshionna, a Woman of the Year. This is an adorable bread snake with chocolate filling.
Also it's my golden birthday this year. I was born on the 24th and am turning 24. Awesome? Yes. Quite.
Oh yeah. It snowed.
And snowed.
But the town looks really pretty.
The car-ish part in this (panorama) picture is actually Ichi-san's car. He happened to be driving on the same stretch of highway and saw me pulled over taking photos, so he stopped to say hello.
The elementary kids get to go outside and play in the snow during their breaks. I remember when I was that excited to play in the snow.
I actually couldn't see the road on this day, it was snowing so hard. As in, I couldn't see the end of my car, but I had to drive back to Taiki from Oda! Oh dear! See those arrows on the poles? Those are to show you where the road ends. They're quite necessary.
I got a new friend to cuddle with! He's very soft and quiet.
Some of the brownies I made in Conversation class this Monday. All nice and wrapped up individually in seran wrap. I gave them to my office coworkers. Luckily on Tuesday the men all had to schlep over to Oda and shovel snow, so they were a welcome snack when they got back.
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